06 Nov 2014
New Internet Explorer Web Developer Tools Prototype

A handful of weeks ago, the team in charge of Microsoft Internet Explorer’s Web Developer Tools requested feedback from users on Reddit about what they could do to improve their tools. Not many companies reach out to users like that, so it was great to see. Needless to say, I made sure to put in…
29 Oct 2014
WordPress: $post Object Attributes

The $post object is used constantly in WordPress. Whether you are developing a custom theme or even a WordPress plugin, you may very likely end up utilizing the $post object to grab data from posts. And so, in that regard, it’s useful to have a simple list of $post attributes for reference. If you are…
29 Oct 2014
Drupal SQL Injection – SA-CORE-2014-005

This probably hasn’t received as much attention as it should have in web development circles, but for the past couple of weeks, there have been a huge influx of Drupal websites being hacked. The culprit? A nasty SQL injection vulnerability that exists in Drupal 7.x (and was later fixed using Drupal 7.32). This vulnerability, which…
26 Sep 2014
Adanced Custom Fields – TextArea Field Removes Backslashes

ACF is a WordPress great plugin that has so many different applications. It can allow you to easily add extra fields for clients — fields that can be used to do a countless number of things. It isn’t perfect. There is one minor annoyance that I ran into with it the other day. The textarea…
25 Sep 2014
Guide: How to Support Background-Size: Cover and Contain in Internet Explorer 8

Background-size:cover and background-size:contain were designed for one purpose — to make life easier when working with background images. And you know what? They do! Unfortunately, some projects still require Internet Explorer 8 support, which does NOT like the background-size property. Luckily, that’s where this awesome polyfill comes in! Simply implement a bit of CSS linking…
13 Aug 2014
Guide: How to Make Boostrap 3 Support IE8

Need to support IE8 when using Bootstrap 3? It isn’t too hard (thankfully). Follow this little tutorial and you’ll be on your way to success! 1) Use the latest version of Bootstrap! This is key. Older versions utilized max-height/width and min-height/width, and when joining that with box-sizing, it can cause compatibility issues. This was remedied…
17 Jul 2014
How to Solve – PostFix/SMTP: Certificate Verification Failed, Untrusted Issuer

Here’s another email post for you guys! One of my clients moved their hosting to a brand new server recently (MediaTemple) and were unable to receive emails to their Office 365 / Outlook 365 when they were sent from this new web server. First things first — check the logs, located at… /usr/local/psa/var/log/maillog If you…
27 Jun 2014
Bootstrap 3.2.0 Released! – Brings Responsive Video Embeds

Okay. So it brings a lot more than just responsive support to things like YouTube videos, but that is definitely one of the highlights! No longer will you be required to use things such as FitVids.js (an awesome script, by the way) in your Bootstrap projects just to make videos responsive. And if you did…
12 Jun 2014
Solve: Can’t Send Email to Own Domain After Moving Server (New A Record)

Frequently, web developers often have to move their clients to new hosting environments. It can be a tiny move, or a huge move, depending on the requirements. A great example of a small move is when you purchase hosting for your client, and then alter their zone file’s A Record to point to the new…