Drupal Archive
29 Oct 2014
Drupal SQL Injection – SA-CORE-2014-005

This probably hasn’t received as much attention as it should have in web development circles, but for the past couple of weeks, there have been a huge influx of Drupal websites being hacked. The culprit? A nasty SQL injection vulnerability that exists in Drupal 7.x (and was later fixed using Drupal 7.32). This vulnerability, which
13 Mar 2014
Fix MySQL: Uncaught exception, MySQL server has gone away

For a recent Drupal 7 project, I had to import a large database into XAMPP. There was a particular string that was very, very long and would trigger the following MySQL error: Uncaught exception, MySQL server has gone away The solution is easy. Go to your XAMPP folder or whatever folder your setup is in
13 Mar 2014
XAMPP + Drupal 7: Clean URLs Not Working (Fix)

When using XAMPP and importing a Drupal website, I ran across an issue. The clean URLs weren’t working for some reason. Load your Apache httpd.conf file and search for AllowOverride None. Replace it with AllowOverride All. All should work nicely now! This fix isn’t specific to XAMPP, mind you. It should also work on similar
10 Feb 2014
How to Fix: Drupal Can’t Login / Login Screen Does Nothing

If there’s one thing I have a gift for, it’s creating bad titles for posts! When setting up a WAMP stack the other day (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP), I needed to grab a Drupal instance from a repository. This is pretty easy to do — it was an almost-unmodified copy of Drupal, there was a
06 Sep 2013
Drupal – Fix White Screen of Death!

Drupal can be an absolute mess to work with sometimes, especially when new to it. And generally speaking, you’ll encounter the White Screen of Death at least once in your Drupal experience if you do any sort of module or theme editing / creation. Luckily, it can be easy to fix. Just follow the below
03 Sep 2013
Drupal – How I Fixed “Trying to get property of non-object” / “array_flip()” Module Error

When moving items from a staging server over to a production server, you occasionally run into strange issues (especially when they’re not 100% identical). This particular server has some older, “secure” settings enabled (such as Safe Mode for PHP). When installing a Drupal module manually, things went well until I tried to use its upload