Monthly Archive:: July 2013
SASS + Compass can really help keep things organized. It allows you to design in a modular fashion and write functions that help not only speed up writing CSS files, but also in cutting down redundant code. The main problem that people new to SASS may be facing is that it needs to be compiled
If you are new to repositories (SubVersion / SVN, Git, etc), then this brief explanation should help. Please note that the name(s) of these can change from repo to repo and be whatever the owner wants. However, it is best practice to follow this naming convention to avoid confusion. Also note that some companies use
New to Mac OSX? Having issues installing SASS? It’s actually pretty simple since (most likely) Ruby is already installed for you. Go to Applications > Utilities > Terminal And type in… sudo gem install sass Easy right? Having Ruby preinstalled really takes the battle out of it! It’s harder to install on Windows since you