Monthly Archive:: October 2013
By default, Bootstrap 3’s navigation has menus toggle’able — you click to have them open / show, and click to have them shut (hide). Wouldn’t it be nice to also have menus open through hovering your mouse over them? Luckily, it isn’t complicated to do! And the best part? It only takes minor CSS to
Just attempt to upgrade your WordPress website only to find that the following message is stuck? Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute. Yeah. It happens. Especially if the upgrade fails / times out. Luckily, it’s not tough to get rid of this error. All you need is FTP access! Load up
Two of the most popular hosting services provided by MediaTemple are their Grid Server (GS) hosting, as well as their Dedicated Virtual (DV) VPS hosting. I’ve had the opportunity to experience both to varying degrees through working with clients, therefore I thought I’d write an overdue review about my experience. Don’t worry, it’ll be short
Google Analytics has what may be a “bug” right now. Whether it’s intentional or not, you are unable to supply a subdirectory / subfolder for the Default URL under “Property Settings” and “View Settings”. The error message you’ll get when attempting such — Value is not a valid domain. This is extremely inconvenient. There are
Icons and symbols represent a whole slew of different “things” on a website and often are associated with a word or phrase. What icon would you use to represent “Graduation”? Probably a graduation cap. What about an icon for “Strength”? A muscly arm works! …What about respect? Wow. That’s a tricky one! It’s unfortunate, but
WordPress has a feature called “Sticky Posts” (it’s under the “Visibility” section for WordPress posts). As the name implies, the post will be pinned to the front page if checked. Unfortunately, get_posts seems to ignore this … and will show (by default) in Chronological Order…Which is fine usually. That’s how news should be. There are