CMS Archive
Drupal can be an absolute mess to work with sometimes, especially when new to it. And generally speaking, you’ll encounter the White Screen of Death at least once in your Drupal experience if you do any sort of module or theme editing / creation. Luckily, it can be easy to fix. Just follow the below
Want to display posts from the same category as whatever post is being viewed? No problem. Simply copy the below and paste it into your theme wherever you’d like them to be displayed. Good spots: bottom of the post, footer, sidebar. This is set to spit out 5 posts right now. Change as needed. <?php
When moving items from a staging server over to a production server, you occasionally run into strange issues (especially when they’re not 100% identical). This particular server has some older, “secure” settings enabled (such as Safe Mode for PHP). When installing a Drupal module manually, things went well until I tried to use its upload
Many plugins utilize shortcodes for easy insertion. While these are normally geared towards being used in posts and pages, they can also be used in the theme files / template itself! And the best part? It’s simple to do. How simple? Well, one line of code is all it takes! <?php echo do_shortcode("[yourcode]"); ?> Easy
I just encountered the following WordPress upgrade error when moving to 3.6 (though you may be experiencing it with WordPress 3.7 or newer): Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _wp_post_revision_fields() in /home/xxxx/public_html/xxxx/wp-includes/revision.php on line 25 Pesky, huh? Easily fixed though. Download the latest copy of WordPress, then connect to your site via FTP. Rename wp-includes (or delete
Many websites upload a whole bunch of different file types to their website(s). This is done so easily through WordPress, that people feel compelled to put anything and everything up. Great, right? Yes and no. Doing so leaves you with a media folder jumbled with a whole bunch of different file types that have less