Monthly Archive:: April 2013
17 Apr 2013
HTML5 – localStorage vs sessionStorage

Ah, HTML5. It brings a lot of different functionality to the table that was once missing in the old 4.01 HTML standard. CSS3 and HTML5 will, one day rule the web browsing world. And for good reason too. One of those reasons, is the introduction of STORAGE. There are two types: (1) localStorage (2) sessionStorage
16 Apr 2013
CloudFlare – The CDN That Saves Your Server!

Recently, I had encountered a bit of a “situation”. At one of the companies I work with, we have a VPS server that was getting a TON of HTTP traffic. One website (alone) was sometimes even receiving over 1 million GET requests in a single day. Unfortunately, the “little server that could”, could no longer
16 Apr 2013
Website Opened!

Greetings! This website will pertain to all my geeky encounters — whether they be programming-related, or something a bit different in nature. I’m constantly learning a lot of things throughout life and through my career, so much of what I learn will be posted here. Feel free to visit every now and then! Will you