02 Aug 2013
WordPress: How to Add More Upload Categories

Many websites upload a whole bunch of different file types to their website(s). This is done so easily through WordPress, that people feel compelled to put anything and everything up. Great, right? Yes and no. Doing so leaves you with a media folder jumbled with a whole bunch of different file types that have less…
14 Jul 2013
SASS + Compass – Automatically Compile On Windows + Mac OS

SASS + Compass can really help keep things organized. It allows you to design in a modular fashion and write functions that help not only speed up writing CSS files, but also in cutting down redundant code. The main problem that people new to SASS may be facing is that it needs to be compiled…
09 Jul 2013
Guide: What are Trunks, Branches, and Tags

If you are new to repositories (SubVersion / SVN, Git, etc), then this brief explanation should help. Please note that the name(s) of these can change from repo to repo and be whatever the owner wants. However, it is best practice to follow this naming convention to avoid confusion. Also note that some companies use…
09 Jul 2013
How to Fix – Mac – Error Installing SASS (PATH, gem executables will not run.)

New to Mac OSX? Having issues installing SASS? It’s actually pretty simple since (most likely) Ruby is already installed for you. Go to Applications > Utilities > Terminal And type in… sudo gem install sass Easy right? Having Ruby preinstalled really takes the battle out of it! It’s harder to install on Windows since you…
04 Jun 2013
FAQ: Do I Need to Uninstall My Old Video Card Drivers Before Updating Them?

That all depends. How old is your card? If it’s old (and I MEAN old), then yes. Older graphics card installs did not remove the old versions of the drivers + software, which caused many people do have duplicates of these things. Generally, it’s harmless, but it can impact performance sometimes. However, this is no…
04 Jun 2013
HTML / CSS Techniques for Hiding Elements – And display:none VS visibility:hidden

There’s more than one way to hide content. You can z-index it behind other content (such as a DIV) by setting a negative value: #theContent { z-index:-11111 } You can move it off the page: #theContent { position:absolute;top:-9999em;left:-9999em; } These two ways are not necessarily the best way to go. More common ways are through…
28 May 2013
Guide: Ubuntu Server – Dynamic Internal Network IP for WordPress, FTP, SQL

At work, we have dynamic IP addresses assigned to our workstations. This is typical for work environments. Unfortunately, this is an annoyance for those in the field of web development, who use IP addresses for things like FTP, MySQL, and WordPress configurations. Drupal doesn’t care if your IP changes. However, WordPress does. You will be…
24 May 2013
Google Fonts – The Solution to Custom, Fancy Web Fonts

In my line of work, I often receive PSD (Photoshop files) of Web Layouts, which I have to then turn into HTML, CSS, etc. These layouts almost always use a custom font that looks amazing. Unfortunately though, as most web developers and designers know, you cannot use any font you’d like on the web. It…
02 May 2013
HTML Colors – Assistance for the Colorblind

As some of you may know, I am partially colorblind. Rather than let this hold me back at all, I make sure to utilize all resources available to me. And so, I am here to assist in such! HTML Color Picker – W3Schools is a great resource. This particular page allows you to type in…
17 Apr 2013
HTML5 – localStorage vs sessionStorage

Ah, HTML5. It brings a lot of different functionality to the table that was once missing in the old 4.01 HTML standard. CSS3 and HTML5 will, one day rule the web browsing world. And for good reason too. One of those reasons, is the introduction of STORAGE. There are two types: (1) localStorage (2) sessionStorage…